Hard-Core-DX Digest Vol. 85 Issue 12-15
>> Senin, 18 Januari 2010
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World Radio TV Handbook 2008 is out.
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Today’s Topics:
1. AIR 6180 (Matti Ponkamo)
2. Mon Morn DXing (ka4prf@peoplepc.com)
3. Glenn Hauser logs January 11, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
4. Iceland QSL policy? (Patrick Martin)
5. Radio Heritage – Now Rewards Supporters (info@radioheritage.net)
6. Re: Iceland QSL policy? (Bruce Portzer)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 11:44:38 +0200
From: “Matti Ponkamo” <mattipo@luukku.com>
To: <mop@sdxl.org>
Subject: [HCDX] AIR 6180
Message-ID: <8462d92653e04eeb859f4bfab44de672@oskariad.local>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=”iso-8859-1″;
**INDIA: AIR Bengaluru-Doddaballapur (Bangalore) 6180 kHz in English to Europe at 1800 UTC, SIO=444 to SISO=544 (see schedule www.allindiaradio.org/schedule/ukweurope1.html ).
73 de Matti Ponkamo, Naantali, Finland (KP10AK18), IC-718, dipole
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 11:34:34 -0000
From: <ka4prf@peoplepc.com>
To: “Cumbre” <cumbredx@n2jeu.net>, “arnaldo slaen”
<slaen@ciudad.com.ar>, ”DSWCI” <logs@directbox.com>,
<dxld@yahoogroups.com>, “Gayle Van Horn” <gaylemt@brmemc.net>,
<gaylevanhorn@monitoringtimes.com>, <ka4prf@peoplepc.com>, ”Marie
Lamb” <malamb@cumbredx.org>, ”Robert Wilkner” <rlcw@earthlink.net>,
<wghauser@yahoo.com>, “ALF” <alf.e.persson@telia.com>,
Subject: [HCDX] Mon Morn DXing
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=”iso-8859-1″;
Papua New Guinea, 3260, Radio Madang, (pres) 1108-1130, Noted a weak signal here with a male in unident language comments. As mentioned, the signal is just enough weak that it’s not possible to catch any details from the comments. At 1116 music is presented. Male back in comments at 1118.
The music sounded familiar to the Papua New Guinea area.
(Chuck Bolland, January 11, 2010)
Papua New Guinea, 3290, Radio Central, (pres) 1120-1125, With a program of typical music, noted this with a poor signal here. (Chuck Bolland, January 11, 2010)
Papua New Guinea, 3385, Radio East New Britain,(pres) 1125-1130, Think I came in at the intro when possibly the NA was being played. Following that a male talks briefly, then a female comments for a few moments.
Popular music follows this. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Janaury 11, 2010).
NRD 545
26.27N 081.05
Still cold in South Florida.
Message: 3
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 08:52:09 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <wghauser@yahoo.com>
To: dxld@yahoogroups.com
Cc: swl@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 11, 2010
Message-ID: <148530.87401.qm@web51105.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
** CUBA [and non]. Residual DentroCuban Jamming Command pulses on 6030, UT Monday Jan 11 at 0616, vs detectable carrier, probably CFVP at this time. I guess it was bad for Ethiopia-seekers earlier.
Also at the late hour of 1533, could still hear signs of jamming on 6030 against nothing, and stronger on 5980, both R. Mart? frequencies, but RM is finished with 6030 at 1200, 5980 at 1300.
Thus the DentroCubans once again demonstrate their incompetence even in jamming, and total disregard for the rights of others who have nothing to do with the Cuban radio war (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250, RNGE again audible with Spanish news, frequent liners at 0618 Jan 11, altho missing 24 hours earlier, and not missing 48 hours earlier (Glenn Hauser,
** INDIA [and non]. 9690, AIR GOS, Monday Jan 11 at 1435 in weekly mailbag Faithfully Yours, this time with M&M hosts, assuring that no IRCs or other return postage is wanted, and that on the European service, 11620 is no longer in use since Oct 25, instead 6180. Usual constant hum on 9690.
1445 Film Music, but could not understand details of introduxion to a long selexion; second piece was cut off at 1454 to promote a devotional program on next transmission to SE Asia at 2245 (0415 IST); 1455 final news summary including state visit of Bangladesh PM, heavy fog in Punjab, 300+ deaths due to cold weather. Semi-minute overlap at 1459:30 with fast SAH as Nippon no Kaze via Darwin was starting in Korean (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526-, Jan 11 at 1358 check, nothing audible, so VOI missing or closed earlier than usual. 9680 RRI was quite good until 1500:36*.
Atsunori Ishida now reports at
“Voice of Indonesia has changed it schedule from January 2010. The contents are not completely fixed, but are almost as follows:
9526 -1000-1400* [1000: English, 1100: Chinese, 1200: Japanese, 1300: English]
9526 *1600- (cannot confirm the contents, due to weak signal)
Chinese and the Japanese have changed to one hour from 30 minutes.“
Jan 11 was a good morning for RRI on tropbands; at 1355, musical audio making it on Palangkaraya 3325; 1357 better signal with music on 4750 Makassar, YL singer continuing past 1400. Weak SAH from China or Bangladesh, and with BFO on, it was obvious there were two carriers, but RRI now right on 4750.0 compared to 9750, presumably Japan rather than Malaysia. At 1404, 4750 finally going from music to YL DJ announcement in Indonesian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALAYSIA. RTM Sarawak, 5030 still clear of ChiComQRM, Jan 11 at 1358 but too much Cuba 5025. A bit better comparatively at 1413 with YL announcement presumably in Malay after song, but still splatter from Rebelde especially during music which is most of the time. But RTM kept gaining on Cuba during the hour, and by 1503 with presumed news by YL, signal level had axually surpassed 5025. At 1510 finally understood something as YL concluded news with “Salaam Aleikum“, 1511 music. Still audible until starting to fade out at 1533. This was almost two hours after local sunrise at 1343 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 15:20:25 -0800
From: mwdxer@webtv.net (Patrick Martin)
To: hard-core-dx@kotalampi.com
Subject: [HCDX] Iceland QSL policy?
Message-ID: <26821-4B4BB239-6956@storefull-3251.bay.webtv.net>
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
Does anyone know the QSL policy of Iceland these days? I have sent 2 reports for my reception on 189 kHz with a CD and I have also sent two e mails to inquire about my reports. I have not heard anything. Any help would be appreciated.
I also enclosed $2 U.S. for return postage.
Patrick Martin
KGED QSL Manager
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:05:53 +1300
From: info@radioheritage.net
To: info@radioheritage.net
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Heritage – Now Rewards Supporters
Message-ID: <380-2201012120553187@radioheritage.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation
Radio Heritage now offers instant rewards for donations from Annual and Lifetime supporters
Annual and Lifetime supporters of the Radio Heritage Foundation now get instant savings on merchandise, research services and other new benefits in return for donations to help the non profit expand its operations.
Corporate supporters can also make big savings with branding campaigns on the hundreds of pages of high ranking and high quality content at the global website [www.radioheritage.net].
‘Non-profits like ours have to work harder and smarter to fund our operations’ says David Ricquish, Board Chairman.
‘We’ve put together a great value package for various supporter levels starting as low as US$10 a year. We want to build long term relationships with the thousands of visitors to our website each week.’
‘Our core content will always be available free, whilst some of our new research reports and other premium radio guide content will be of more interest to specialist users.
All supporters will get special rates whilst Lifetime supporters will get this premium content included in their relationship with us.’
He adds ‘We frequently get one-off donations of small amounts and haven’t been able to offer anything in return except our thanks.
Now, we can offer more tangible rewards and encourage those supporters to stay in touch with us through the year, and longterm. We will now recognize their support online as well by including their names in our Roll of Honor. Their support for us is something they can be proud of and should be recognized.’
For full details of the new Annual and Lifetime supporter packages visit www.radioheritage.net and start enjoying the benefits whilst supporting radio heritage across the Asia-Pacific region.
The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the Pacific. It’s global website www.radioheritage.net features stories
and more about the people, places, events and broadcasters who have entertained and informed radio listeners for almost a century. In 2010 its new interactive database with many thousands of entries of
images, names, stations and much more is scheduled for release as part of its commitment to providing free community content. Become an Annual or Lifetime supporter today from as low as US$10.
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 17:58:43 -0800
From: Bruce Portzer <bportzer@comcast.net>
To: hard-core-dx@kotalampi.com
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Iceland QSL policy?
Message-ID: <4B4BD753.8060901@comcast.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
I’ve had similar results. I sent a written report + CD in 2007 and followed up with an e-mail + MP3 last fall and not heard from them. The RUV website www.ruv.is lists e-mail addresses for most or all of the
staff. However, the site is in Icelandic, and Google’s English translation leaves much to be desired, so it’s hard to know who to choose as an addressee.
Patrick Martin wrote:
Does anyone know the QSL policy of Iceland these days? I have sent 2 reports for my reception on 189 kHz with a CD and I have also sent two e mails to inquire about my reports. I have not heard anything. Any help would be appreciated.
I also enclosed $2 U.S. for return postage.
Patrick Martin
KGED QSL Manager
End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 85, Issue 12
Today’s Topics:
1. New Year DXpedition in Lapland at -38 degrees (Mika Makelainen)
2. Tues DX (ka4prf@peoplepc.com)
3. Glenn Hauser logs January 11-12, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 11:28:45 +0200
From: Mika Makelainen <mika@makelainen.com>
To: mwdx@yahoogroups.com, hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com, Suomalaisten
DX-lista <dx@kotalampi.com>, News BDXC <bdxc-news@yahoogroups.com>,
topnews@wwdxc.de, globe-radio-dx@yahoogroups.com, IRCA
<irca@hard-core-dx.com>, ABDX@yahoogroups.com,
condiglist@yahoogroups.com, Glenn Hauser <wghauser@yahoo.com>
Subject: [HCDX] New Year DXpedition in Lapland at -38 degrees
Message-ID: <4B4C40CD.1050000@makelainen.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Freezing your toes off in Arctic Lapland may not be everyone’s idea of a great New Year 2010, but for Mika M?kel?inen and Jari Ruohom?ki it was a highlight of the winter. Join Mika and Jari for a DXpedition full of American and Chinese AM stations. See what an array of 11 antennas, each 1 kilometer in length, can capture from all around the world. A report of the 287th DXpedition to Lemmenjoki in Finland has been published at http://www.dxing.info/dxpeditions/lem287rep.dx
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 14:09:33 -0000
From: <ka4prf@peoplepc.com>
To: “Cumbre” <cumbredx@n2jeu.net>, “arnaldo slaen” <slaen@ciudad.com.ar>, ”DSWCI” <logs@directbox.com>, <dxld@yahoogroups.com>, “Gayle Van Horn” <gaylemt@brmemc.net>,
<gaylevanhorn@monitoringtimes.com>, <ka4prf@peoplepc.com>, ”Marie Lamb” <malamb@cumbredx.org>, ”Robert Wilkner” <rlcw@earthlink.net>, <wghauser@yahoo.com>, “ALF” <alf.e.persson@telia.com>, <hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>
Subject: [HCDX] Tues DX
Message-ID: <722374e998414f4db3046d9eace276cd@virtualxp66406>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=”iso-8859-1″;
Peru, 6173.88, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1049-1100, Sandwiched in between stations on 6170 and 6175,
making for a difficult copy, noted a male in steady Spanish language comments. Still if Tawantinsuyo
was not off freq, I doubt if I’d be able to copy anything from her(it). At 1053 the signal suddenly
disappears for a few moments. Believe music is being broadcast at that time? Station had faded into the noise by the hour. (Chuck Bolland, January 12, 2010)
26.27N 081.05W
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:39:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <wghauser@yahoo.com>
To: dxld@yahoogroups.com
Cc: swl@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 11-12, 2010
Message-ID: <418833.48196.qm@web51105.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
** ALASKA. 6890, KNLS, Jan 12 at 1413 poor in English with a story about seeds that Jesus allegedly told. Checked a few more times during the hour, but got no better (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA [and non]. 6160, where CBC`s RCI clashes with CBC Vancouver in the 14-15 hour: Jan 12 at 1416 the usual fast SAH, with RCI signal atop, except it was just barely modulated in Chinese, the relay via Kimjae, KOREA SOUTH, and could also hear CKZU in English underneath (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake check at 1439 Jan 12 found none on 8400, 9000, 10210, 11300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CYPRUS. OTH radar pulsing Jan 12 at 1440 on approx. 9132-9158, plus exactly same sound but weaker on 10150-10172, presumed from here, but I am having my doubts. The ~25 kHz bandwidth is typical of Cyprus rather than China, but propagationally could also be something AustralAsiatic, and there are a number of other such radars (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Jan 12 at 0622 with weak talk, music, drumming, must be RNGE Bata, seldom heard and suspect not always on air in mornings. Then checked Malabo on 6250 at 0628 talking about human rights, enumerated lots of things that would be fixed for all citizens by the year 2020; 0629 ID as R. Malabo. 0630 into music; tried to determine if // 5005, but could not be sure due to much weaker signal there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ERITREA. 7165 with HOA music, Jan 12 at 1437 but soon overridden by North American SSB hams, apparently a net tho none listed here in the final edition of Nets to You from April 1, 2007. At 1438, VOBME signal, probably long-path, faded up a bit, providing a BFO for hams with suitably weak signals (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ETHIOPIA. 7110, some broadcast talk weakly at 1437 Jan 12, presumably R. Ethiopia via long-path as was also getting 7165 at the time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [and non]. 5910, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze still here for 1400-1430 broadcast, Tue Jan 12 at 1409 in Japanese, and Juche jamming also audible, the oscillating noise but not enough to block it here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALAYSIA. 5030, RTM Kuching, Sarawak, Jan 12 at 1400 better than before, tnx to unusually weak Cuba 5025, and its own signal also improved and still without ChiComQRM. Talk in presumed Malay, 1404 music. 1424 DJs chattering and laughing after a song. (At 1456 I find that my oil heater puts a noise blob around 5020-5040, so shack will stay cold to hear this a bit longer.) Now 5030 is definitely stronger than Rebelde. 1500 unexpectedly loud two-pip timesignal, compared to the talk modulation: shows that program audio level could be boosted if they cared to. TS was about three sex late, so hardly reliable for navigation. I think the second pip was slightly prolonged but same pitch as first one. Into scripted news by YL. This is a simulcast of the Wai FM service but no such ID heard yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MAURITANIA. 4845, ORTM, Jan 12, 0624 at S9+12 level, but modulation not commensurate, usual soporific chanting around this time. Has been on rather reliably lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOLOMON ISLANDS. 5020, BBCWS sounder and news in English, Jan 12 at 1400, enough to be sure it`s the SIBC overnight relay, and Cuba was weaker than usual on 5025 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 13810, Brother Scare, in a lather about something, Jan 12 at 1514, lite long-path echo // weaker 17485 but not exactly synchronized. I have seen some reports of 13810 attributed to USA, but certainly not. 13810 is Nauen, 17485 is Wertachtal per HFCC, tho Aoki still shows the latter in B-09 as Juelich, plus a few other listings — I think not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. 12035, surprised to find a TRT-sounding signal here Jan 12 at 1444, long after this frequency is supposed to close around 1422 when English concludes. This was in a Slavic language, and believe I heard TRT mentioned, perhaps in an URL. Sure did not seem Russian; thought it might be “Bosnian“, which TRT had last year at this time on 9525, but that`s among the many languages they have supposedly deleted.
12035 had the same audio distortion as heard during English, plus the low het tnx to someone off-frequency. Produxion style also was VOTish, with long program theme music following announcement of show title. S9+12 signal suddenly cut off the air at 1447 as someone realized their mistake, uncovering a weak signal from something else which produced the het, perhaps VOR Samara tho not in all listings. The only transmissions during this semihour on the TRT schedule are:
11815 Turkish (also heard, well)
9785 Kazakh
9410 Russian
I did not check these until I had looked them up a few minutes later. By then, 9410 had a mix between BBCWS English via Oman and VOT Russian; 9785 dominated by ChiCom jamming and VOA Chinese via Philippines. It`s also noteworthy that all three are ?akirlar, so the Emirler site is not on the air at all at this time. Why would it not be in use? VOT has been caught several times before asleep at the switch, putting a following language on the previous frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. 15770, Jan 12 at 1510, tonal African dialog mentioning Abuja and Nigeria, no doubt VOA Hausa as scheduled, but whence? Aoki says S?o Tom?, EiBi says Botswana (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9480, WTWW, Lebanon TN, testing with open carrier only for a “human exposure study“, Jan 11 from *2055 past 2141, with occasional breaks. Also heard at *2302-2307*. Running about S9+22, comparable to WWCR on 9980, i.e. a very strong signal. I was hoping for an ID or some modulation, but not yet. However, I am positive it was WTWW, since George McClintock advised me this test was about to start with 90 kW, later said it was 60 kW. There was only one small RF leakage problem near a window. The SWR is OK, no arcing problems. However, some guy wires were installed incorrectly, since he was inside the building working on the transmitter instead of supervising the crew outside. He says they were hoping to run another test, with heavy modulation early UT Jan 13 on 5755 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 6800, weak mix of two audios from US station, Jan 12 at 0638, soon matched to WWCR on 5070 and 5935, as this is a leapfrog of one over the other at plus another 865 kHz. Had not heard this one before. I believe it was axually transmitted as could still hear it with attenuation on the FRG-7 and also on the YB-400. This led me to look for a corresponding leapfrog of 5070 over 5890, which at plus 820 kHz would land on 6710, and there was a trace of something there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 9955, no signal from WRMI, and no jamming either, Jan 12 at 0645 when should have been airing RCI via WRN relay; yet WYFR was inbooming on 9715, 9680, also on 9355, 9495, 9985, so I conclude WRMI must have been off the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 13700, S Asian language at 1515 Jan 12, good signal would have been fine if not for WYFR 13695 splash. 13700 is YFR via Nauen in Hindi, so it`s Camping vs Camping! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 6925, Jan 12 at 1412 singing on SSB, plus carrier, but it was hard to keep zero-beat, so maybe unstable; just too weak to catch any details; no doubt a North American pirate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 7105, Jan 12 at 1436 YL talk in unID language, but had rising intonation at the end of most phrases. I was thinking Nei Menggu was still here, so did not pay much attention, but Aoki B-09 no longer has it and A-09 says it stopped Sept 1, leaving nothing but Madagascar listed now, which would be long-path like Ethiopia/Eritrea on 7110/7165 at same time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 85, Issue 13
dari hard-core-dx-request@hard-core-dx.com ke hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com tanggal 14 Januari 2010 12:35 subjek Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 85, Issue 14 dikirim oleh hard-core-dx.comToday’s Topics:
1. Glenn Hauser logs January 12-13, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
2. DX Listening Digest 10-02; World of Radio 1495 (Glenn Hauser)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 12:01:58 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <wghauser@yahoo.com>
To: dxld@yahoogroups.com
Cc: swl@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 12-13, 2010
Message-ID: <66779.52023.qm@web51101.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
** ALBANIA. 13640, R. Tirana English to NAm, tune-in Jan 13 at 1530 to find IS still playing until 1532 opening broadcast with schedule; fair signal and modulation, no QRM. Fortunately, RT can be flexible about the timing, as it`s less than a full 30 minutes long, and there is no broadcast immediately following at 1600 anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 7105, again Jan 13 at 1418 with YL talking in unMandarin-sounding language with lots of rising intonations; 1420 QRM from intermittent carrier, probably annoyed ham, also QRM from “running water“ mode, longer pulses, 1422 with music, short beeps interfered.
I was still thinking it must be Madagascar, as reported Jan 12, but Ron Howard, CA, was also monitoring this today and says “7105, PBS Nei Menggu, 1448, Jan 13. Indeed they have returned here again with fair to good reception; still heard at 1602 (scheduled for 1605*); // 9520. Also heard the spurs on both 7095 and 7115.“
WRTH 2010 had removed 7105 and all other ChiCom channels 7100-7200 as they were supposedly evacuating, or already had done so. Besides 9520, other Nei Menggu frequencies shown are 6040, 7270, 7420, 9750, all at 2150-1605. They have two separate networks for Chinese news and Mongolian news, but WRTH does not says which ones are on which SW frequencies.
Aoki does, already updated as of Jan 12 to show 7105 again for the Chinese net, also on 7420, 9520, while Mongolian is on 6040, 7270, 9750. So I must defer that the language heard on 7105 is Chinese, presumably meaning Mandarin rather than some other version? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. 9170 weak with music around 1359 Jan 13, no doubt the only station known to use this far out-of-band frequency, but missing at next check 1425. Aoki shows it as the Beijing 491 transmitter site, with CNR6 network in Chinese and Amoy, at 1100-1805 and 2055-0105.
I consistently do not hear it after 1400, suspected real closedown time. On page 150 of WRTH 2010, CNR6 is identified as “Shenzhou Easy Radio“ in Chinese, Amoy and Hakka at 2055-0105, 0355-1805 on MW/SW, i.e. 50 kW on 9170 and 6165 night, 11905 and 15710 day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Strong OTH radar pulses 5750-5830, presumed from here, Jan 13 at 1411, peaking around 5800 and QRMing strong broadcaster on 5810, much weaker one on 5825, i.e. R. Free Asia in Cantonese via TINIAN, and YFR in Nepali via UZBEKISTAN, respectively, per Aoki, which shows no ChiCom jamming on 5825 until 1500 when RFA switches to Mandarin.
Same pitch of OTHR but much weaker at 1416 on 6910-6990 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. 6060, RHC still running English past 0700 as usual in reality contrary to schedule, Jan 13 at 0715 amid DXers Unlimited, Arnie talking about MOPAs, also an odd time for that show usually in the second half of whatever hour. 6140 was also still on but in Spanish along with 6150 and 6120 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDIA. 9425, AIR National Channel, Wed Jan 13 at 1449 woman speaking English with considerable accent, but clearly enunciated so mostly understandable here, about NAI = non-accidental injuries (the Indians are so fond of acronyms and initialisms), i.e. battered children in the US and experimentation on animals, with lots of statistics, apparently in opposition to such conduct. Could tell 9470 was // but much weaker and uncopyable there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. 9526v, Jan 13 at 1358, VOI still on with music, but as usual missing shortly after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRAN. VIRI with same music/IS on 9575 and 9585 Jan 13 at 1428 as about to start Russian and Hindi services respectively, both via Sirjan site and equally poor signals but 9575 somewhat louder modulation. 1430 to anthem not quite in synch, 1431 different opening announcements. 9575 was first to get to Qur`an, shortly 9585 too but different segment. Another check at 1448 found 9575 in Russian undermodulated with hum, but no hum on 9585 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH. 11710, VOK in French, Jan 13 at 1435 with continuous beeps in background at the rate of 24/minute. Impression was that they emanated from same transmitter rather than QRM.
// 9335 VOK did not have the beeps but did have SAH from CCI, i.e. IBB Kuwait at 70 degrees, registered at 1130-1830 as if IBB were unaware VOK is also on 9335! With NK an outlaw nation refusing to participate in HFCC, IBB may pretend at its own peril that VOK is nowhere. Kuwait is running all the Dari/Pashto services, VOA, Radio Ashna, Radio Azadi while VOK is 27 degrees USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Wed Jan 13 at 1409 I log-noted “JJ no JJ“, i.e. in Japanese and no Juche jamming heard, for Shiokaze via JSR JAPAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALAYSIA. 5030, RTM Sarawak, Jan 13 at 1457 DJ talking over song, Cuba 5025 no problem, 1459 studio M chatting with W on phone, 1+1 timesignal at hourtop was again three seconds late as easily compared to WWV 5000 one minute later; so Sarawak remains behind the times.
Then M starting news mentioning “R-T-M“ letters as in English. WRTH 2010 page 263 indicates Wai FM is mostly in the Iban language rather than Malay. At 1511 Cuban 5025 signal had resurged, again problematic for 5030 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALI. 5995, RTM, Jan 13 at 0705 discussion in French, mentioning “dans les rues de Bamako,“ “Agence Nationale de Securit?“, good signal as usual. Thorsten Hallman, Germany as of Jan 7 said 7285v and 11960 were inactive, only heard on 9635 at 08-18; but apparently 5995 is the corresponding near/night frequency from same transmitter still active (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. Unlike the day before, TRT got 12035 ?akirlar turned off after English until 1422, no signal at 1432 check Jan 13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. Checking 9480 Jan 12 at 2100 in case WTWW were on for another test, it was not, but instead heard weak signal with 800 number, Harold Camping, so it`s a YFR relay. In fact, B-09 hours for “BWW“, the imaginary callsign still in the updated FCC schedule as of Jan 7 http://www.fcc.gov/ib/sand/neg/hf_web/B09FCC02.TXT
are 12-24, except for a break at 19-22, to accommodate YFR registered in HFCC at 19-22 via Nauen, GERMANY, due south. So we shouldn`t expect WTWW to be on 9480 during those two sesquihours aside from testing. WTWW was so strong on Jan 11 around 2100 that there was no trace of YFR under it here. Have yet to hear WTWW testing evenings on 5755, as of Jan 13 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1495, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 13570, WINB with Global Spirit Proclamation, the anapaestic preacher from Fence Lake NM also heard for hours on WBCQ 15420-CUSB, Jan 12 at 2123 with fundamental more unstable and distorted than usual, also putting out spiky spur on 13535, really covering 10 kHz, and a weaker one 35 kHz further down on 13500, and traces of yet another around 13465. But no matches on the hi side of 13570, rather just splattering up to 13585. The least stations should do is make their spurs match on each side, fairly balanced (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. We can say goodbye to R. Cultura do Par?, 5045, as VG big signal from WWRB was rampant from 5050, Jan 13 at 0709 with “Wonderful Words of Life“ hymn, 0710 “Treasure of Truth Broadcasts“ from Church of Christ in Altamont TN.
FCC updated sked Jan 7 shows WWRB on 5050 only between 21 and 05, but what do they know? Also on 3185 as usual with Brother Scare, but not registered on any other frequency after 0500, so was this a mistake or a new schedule?
It`s rather pointless to consult the WWRB website where online schedules are obviously outdated, but “Global 2“ shows “leased to Churches of Christ“ daily 9 pm only until local midnight on 5050, and still shows long-abandoned 12180 as day frequency for that transmitter! http://www.wwrb.org/schedule/global_2/combined.pdf
** U S A. 11855, Jan 13 at 1438 was clear of Camping, who had been camping on this frequency a few minutes earlier with his WYFR English broadcast supposedly 1300-1600; meanwhile WYFR in Spanish as usual on 11830. But it`s not the end of the world, due to multiple redundancy Family Radio employs from countless frequencies, times and sites (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WRMI still absent from 9955, no jamming audible either, around 1515 Jan 13; I fear they are totally off the air at present. Yes: Jeff White replies at 1814 UT Jan 13:
Glenn: We found out that the problem you noted the other night with audio switching off briefly was due to the high-power relay going bad. It’s been sporadic, and finally went out altogether. We can turn the transmitter on, but it turns itself off after several seconds. We’re trying to find a replacement relay somewhere, but no luck so far. That particular relay isn’t made anymore, and we haven’t been able to find used ones anywhere either. So we’re looking at trying to make something ourselves to replace it. They are working on this right now, but I don’t know exactly how long it will take. Fingers are crossed. Jeff“ (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Navy MARS net on 5004.5-USB, intruding into the worldwide exclusive standard frequency band 4995-5005, and indeed first noted as QRM to WWV, Jan 13 at 1501, NCS NNN0ENS opening a net, calling Oklahoma stations, then East Texas, et al., with many check-ins, usually mentioning local temperatures.
Group or net callsign/designator frequently mentioned is 6X2B, always with proper military fonetix. I could have copied countless station calls, but a few of them were NNN0AHH, NNN0WKH at 1509; NNN0HZN, NNN0FPA a few minutes later, no reply heard from the last one. After informal comments, at 1520 NNN0ENS started to close the net, and had NNN0AHH echo the closure, until 1521*
Google searching on calls: NNN0ENS got two hits including http://www.navymars.org/national/cmi/CMI26-08.TXT
showing he is Hal, somewhere in OK. NNN0AHH is revealed as KD5ILA, JACK R CLEAVENGER, JR, BARLING, AR 72923 on his qrz.com listing.
Search on 6X2B leads to this neat and complex grid http://www.qsl.net/mddcmars/NEA%20FREQUENCY%20ALLOCATIONS.pdf
updated in December 2009. Trouble is, it does not show any frequencies! Just many alfanumerix cryptically designating them like 6X2B, and deals with the Northeast Area, not including OK and AR. But the only two entries for 6X2B are under 1500Z.
Getting back to the point, we insist that Navy MARS QSY out of the Standard Frequency band! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VATICAN. 11850, VR in Hindi audible with mass, Jan 13 after 1430, but WYFR dumped off 11855 removing its adjacent-channel QRM, so VR in the clear at 1439 by which time it had shifted to S Asian music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. It`s always a tough decision over what to monitor at 1400, but Jan 13 it was back to 6074 to see if I could detect 8GAL`s V/CQ marker on CW. Russia 6075 carrier still on and motorboating worse than usual, and could barely make out 8GAL already in progress, just barely audible. By the time it finished, Pet/Kam had gone off leaving a much weaker carrier from something else (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9735-9745, big buzz covering this range, Jan 12 at 2103. Not quite like BSKSA 15435, 11785, not quite like OTH radar either, and not quite like DRM. If it originates from a 9740 transmitter severely malfunxioning, that would be Kamalabad, Iran with the VIRI Albanian service, only thing scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) #
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 18:28:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <wghauser@yahoo.com>
To: Glenn Hauser <wghauser@yahoo.com>
Cc: swl@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] DX Listening Digest 10-02; World of Radio 1495
Message-ID: <358703.43921.qm@web51102.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
DX Listening Digest 10-02 has now been posted at http://www.dxld.org
or http://www.w4uvh.net/dxlatest.txt or http://dxld.worldofradio.org
and now also without delay at http://www.w4uvh.net/dxld1002.txt
[as has been happening lately, upload of this edition as dxlatest has not been immediate, but has been immediate at the last -1002 link above]
For restrixions and searchable 2010 contents archive see
NOTE: If you are a regular reader of DXLD, and a source of DX news but
have not been sending it directly to us, please consider yourself
obligated to do so. Thanks, Glenn
WORLD OF RADIO 1495 headlines:
*DX and station news from Australia, Costa Rica, Greenland, Guinea, Indonesia, Kuwait, Sarawak, Mali, Mauritania, Suriname, Tennessee
*Reactivations from Brazil, Colombia
*Future plans from Cuba, Ecuador, France, Israel, Madagascar
*Program tips from Marti, Gabon, Netherlands, Sweden, WWCR
*Intruders on 40 meters
*English from Philippines, Serbia [non], Tibet
[note WRMI is off the air as of Jan 12-13]
Wed 2000 WBCQ 7415 [and 9330-CUSB confirmed at least at start]
Thu 1300 WRMI 9955
Thu 2000 WBCQ 7415 9330-CUSB?
Fri 0100 WBCQ Area 51 5110-CUSB
Fri 0200 WRMI 9955
Fri 1230 WRMI 9955
Fri 1530 WRMI 9955
Fri 2130 WWCR1 7465
Sat 0900 IPAR/IRRS/NEXUS/IBA 9510 [resumed January 9? 2-weekly?]
Sat 0900 WRMI 9955
Sat 1430 WRMI 9955
Sat 1730 WWCR3 12160
Sat 2000 WRMI 9955
Sun 0330 WWCR3 5070
Sun 0730 WWCR1 3215
Sun 0900 WRMI 9955
Sun 1230 South Herts Radio 5835
Sun 1615 WRMI 9955
Sun 2000 WRMI 9955
Tue 1200 WRMI 9955
Tue 1630 WRMI 9955
Tue 2000 WBCQ 7415 9330-CUSB?
Wed 1630 WRMI 9955 [usually first airing]
Wed 1930 South Herts Radio 3935
Wed 2000 WBCQ 7415 9330-CUSB?
Latest edition of this schedule version, including AM, FM, satellite
and webcasts with hotlinks to station sites and audio, is at:
http://www.worldofradio.com/radioskd.html or
http://schedule.worldofradio.org or http://sked.worldofradio.org
For updates see our Anomaly Alert page:
or http://wor.worldofradio.org
Best DX wishes, Glenn Hauser
End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 85, Issue 14
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tanggal 15 Januari 2010 12:35
subjek Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 85, Issue 15
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Today’s Topics:
1. Thu Dx (ka4prf@peoplepc.com)
2. Glenn Hauser logs January 13-14, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
3. New MW QSL (WYLL) (Patrick Martin)
4. Re: [mwoz] New MW QSL (WYLL) (Patrick Martin)
5. Help Humanitarian Radio in Haiti (T Witherspoon)
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:52:36 -0000
From: <ka4prf@peoplepc.com>
To: “Cumbre” <cumbredx@n2jeu.net>, “arnaldo slaen”
<slaen@ciudad.com.ar>, ”DSWCI” <logs@directbox.com>,
<dxld@yahoogroups.com>, “Gayle Van Horn” <gaylemt@brmemc.net>,
<gaylevanhorn@monitoringtimes.com>, <ka4prf@peoplepc.com>, ”Marie
Lamb” <malamb@cumbredx.org>, ”Robert Wilkner” <rlcw@earthlink.net>,
<wghauser@yahoo.com>, “ALF” <alf.e.persson@telia.com>,
<hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com>, Carlos Gon?alves
Subject: [HCDX] Thu Dx
Message-ID: <9434ccc886264917a26513bafee84e73@virtualxp66406>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=”iso-8859-1″;
Bolivia, 6134.79, Radio Santa Cruz, 0933-0945, With a signal that was barely audible, noted a male in Spanish language comments.
At about 0940 music is heard. Signal was really threshold during this period. Checked back at 1015 and noticed that the signal had improved with music that was actually audible. (Chuck Bolland, January 10,
Bolivia, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0955-1005, Although the signal is very poor, still able to hear a female conversing with a second person in Spanish language. I think I am listening to a radio Drama possibly? Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
Bolivia, 6155.32, Radio Fides, 1019-1030, Another threshold signal here where I noted a person in Spanish comments. Can’t distinguish whether I am hearing a male or female announcer. Signal was very weak. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
Netherlands Antilles (non), 6194.96, Radio Japan, 1020-1032, Noted a male and female in Spanish language news. At the end of the broadcast, ID and Address given. Signal was poor. After Japan leaves, the frequency is clear, there’s nothing on it.
(Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
Unid, 4789.93, 1035-1040+ Noted just a weak carrier here. It was too weak to hear any audio. Radio Vision is off the air this morning, but if they were up, they’d be a few hertz higher at 4790 probably? I understand that RRI Fak Fak has been off for months now? Maybe someone can get a better beat on this carrier?
(Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
Peru, 5024.90, Radio Quillabamba, 1046-1100, Can’t really hear Quillabamba well, but with a few adjustments on the notch and tuning, some talk in Spanish can be heard under Rebelde. At 1051, Huaynos music is heard while SP comments on Rebelde. The signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
Peru, 5120.39, Radio Ondas Del Sur Oriente, (Tent), 1050-1100, Found a very weak, carrier with audio buried under a utility signal here. Noted a male in Spanish comments.
Believe music was presented around 1053. This is another of those Phantom signals I often hear. Anyway it was threshold to say the least. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
Peru, 6019.33, Radio Victoria, 1105-1115, Noted a male in Spanish comments. Immediately heard the male mention “Peru” in his comments. The male was preaching which was obvious from his tone. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2009)
Thailand, 7255, Radio Thailand, 1120-1130 Noted a female in Cambodian language comments.
Since Cambodian doesn’t sound like her native language, it’s difficult to pick out any particulars from her talk. Signal was fair but tinny. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2009)
“I figure if I continue to keep this going, I may eventually hear something worth reporting.”
China, 7290, China Radio International, 1123-1135, Noted a male in Russian language comments. A female joins the male during the discourse. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
China, 7325, China Radio International, 1135-1145, Noted a group of individuals (3) in Japanese language conversation. AOKI says this is transmited from Jinhua which results in a good signal here in Florida. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
China, 7410, China Radio International, Jinhua, 1141-1150, Noted female in Flipino language comments. Flipino is listed as language. Signal was good.
Previous logging from CRI was also relayed via Jinhua which is producing a good, robust signal here in Florida. (Chuck Bolland, January 14, 2010)
26.27N 081.05W
Message: 2
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 09:22:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <wghauser@yahoo.com>
To: dxld@yahoogroups.com
Cc: swl@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 13-14, 2010
Message-ID: <22431.65853.qm@web51102.mail.re2.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 14 at 1437: poor on 8400, nothing on 9000, 10210 or 11300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [non]. 7210-LSB, Cuban exiles hams in Spanish on their favorite frequency, Jan 14 from 1439 tune-in; at 1446, musing why Cuba has not attempted to make Ha?ti a socialist state — not worth it? Usual counter-revolutionary remarx such as assertions that any disaster aid to Cuba gets sold instead of reaching victims. One of them IDed as N4RAU in Miami and that chex out at ARRL callsign lookup as:
Oropesa, Raul L, N4RAU (Extra)
Miami Dade, FL 33175
Previous call sign: KI4QQR
I wonder if Cuba will invade Haiti with any disaster relief, risking running into yanquis et al.
>From 1445 could hear music in the background, as some broadcaster must have begun on this shared band? Nothing scheduled to start then, so maybe just not audible or noticed before then. Aoki presents these possibilities:
7210 CRI 1400-1457 Chinese 150 95 Beijing CHN
7210 VOV1 2145-1700 Vietnamese 20 ND Daclac VTN
7210 VOBME1 (Dimtsi Hafas)
1355-1600 Kunama 100 ND Asmara-Selae Daro ERI
** INDONESIA. 9680, RRI Jakarta at 1454 Jan 14 with “Indonesian opera“, soprano et al., with gamelan orchestra, continued past 1500 instead of previous cutoff at 1457; finally at 1504, 9680 went to talk, 1507 more music now a pop ballad. Went off sometime during the next semihour as gone at next check. 9526v VOI was already off after 1400 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5910, Thu Jan 14 at 1426, Shiokaze via JSR JAPAN was concluding Japanese broadcast with usual sad piano music background; but also a fast SAH from some co-channel QRM not noted before. Uplooked later, maybe it was Iran`s Bengali service scheduled for 1430 via Kamalabad, and they ordinarily do come on a few minutes early, so Sea Breeze should still be clear for most of the broadcast from 1400, aside from Juche jamming, none audible today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MALAYSIA/SARAWAK. 5030, RTM Kuching, Jan 14 tuned in time to monitor the 2-pip timesignal at 1500 — this time it was close to correct rather than 3 seconds late, no doubt having noted my previous observations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. 5875 is a BBCWS English frequency we can hear fairly well in our mornings, despite its official destination 25 degrees from Thailand to most of China, North Korea. But Jan 14 at 1425 as I tuned by, noticed some ute QRM, sounded like TADIL-A. Next at 1427 that was gone but instead was hearing mix of English and something in Arabic which was somewhat atop! The latter also had “that BBC sound“, and at 1332 while English was wrapping up news headlines before Crossing Continents, Arabic ran BBC sounder, so tnx to WRTH 2010, easily looked up listed Arabic frequencies during this hour, and sure enough, 5875 was // Cyprus 9915, and also // 15790 but an echo apart. BBCWS vs BBCWS on 5875! Possible explanation: another Cyprus transmitter is scheduled to take over from Thailand with Persian at 1600 on 5875. Maybe it got turned on much too early with the Arabic programme feed. Or equally SNAFU`d, possibly double programme audio feed input to Thailand
transmitter, nobody noticing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WBCQ with the first SW broadcast of WORLD OF RADIO 1495, Wed Jan 13 at 2005 check on 9330-CUSB, much better signal than // 7415, but 9330 modulation a little rough. I hope they left 9330 on for the rest of the semihour, but did not get it rechecked before 2030, as I had already heard the show. You never know whether 9330 will be on at this time, as committed to use 7415 only, Tue/Wed/Thu 2000 for WOR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WTWW was testing with music on 9480 UT Jan 14 around 0030, but propagation had dropped out here, so weak and fading.
At 0045 came up on 5755, much better signal with music, S9+15 on the FRG-7 but that`s just slightly above the local noise level with computer on. Much better than 5745 station, presumably WWRB. Modulation seems good but still not a solid signal. Don`t know how much longer they will be on tonight.
5755 rechecked at 0117, MUCH stronger signal S9+22 or so, now solid, as if they turned up the power but were supposedly full power earlier, so maybe we had just hit a propagational hole then.
Still much stronger than Brother Scare on WWRB 5745, and much much stronger than WWCR PMS/DGS on 5935. WWCR 5890 PPP does not start until 0200. Comparing signals to these neighbors should be helpful.
0120, 0124, 0130 IDs, apparently between each tune, say “Coming to you from near the banks of the Upper Cumberland River in middle Tennessee, this is WTWW, Lebanon, Tennessee, U S A, performing equipment tests“. Mod seems a bit distorted now and/or with selective fading distortion. Disappeared at 0126:30 or so, back on at 0128.
Here`s the ID recorded around 0134 UT Jan 14 on 5755, the final one before went off at 0136: http://www.w4uvh.net/WTWW.rm
(Glenn Hauser OK, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. 5050, WWRB on the air after 0700 Jan 13 must have been a fluke (or a make-good?), as it was gone again 23+ hours later at 0622 check Jan 14, with R. Cultura do Par? again in the clear on 5045, as always playing nothing but pop music, never classical as one might expect (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
Message: 3
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:38:09 -0800
From: mwdxer@webtv.net (Patrick Martin)
To: mwoz@Yahoogroups.com, BACONTI@aol.com, gaylemt@brmemc.net,
irca@hard-core-dx.com, martinfoltz@cox.net, am@nrcdxas.org,
hard-core-dx@kotalampi.com, showe@csc.albany.edu
Subject: [HCDX] New MW QSL (WYLL)
Message-ID: <29417-4B4F72A1-1866@storefull-3253.bay.webtv.net>
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
1160 WYLL IL, Chicago, rec e mail reply in 12 hours, V/S: Paul
snail mail address: 25 NW Point Bl #400, Elk Grove Village IL 60007.
IL QSL #25, MW QSL #3011. (PM-OR)
Message: 4
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:40:49 -0800
From: mwdxer@webtv.net (Patrick Martin)
To: mwoz@yahoogroups.com
Cc: am@nrcdxas.org, BACONTI@aol.com, hard-core-dx@kotalampi.com,
martinfoltz@cox.net, mwoz@Yahoogroups.com, showe@csc.albany.edu,
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [mwoz] New MW QSL (WYLL)
Message-ID: <29413-4B4F7341-4185@storefull-3253.bay.webtv.net>
Content-Type: Text/Plain; Charset=US-ASCII
Forgot to give the CE’s e mail address:
Patrick Martin
KGED QSL Manager
Message: 5
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 21:04:58 -0500
From: T Witherspoon <twitherspoon@gmail.com>
To: thomas@earstoourworld.org, shortwave-radio@yahoogroups.com,
ShortwaveRadios@yahoogroups.com, hard-core-dx@hard-core-dx.com,
hfpack@yahoogroups.com, QRP-L@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [HCDX] Help Humanitarian Radio in Haiti
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Hello, Radio Friends:
Thank you for letting me pull this discussion group off topic for a moment…
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m the founder and director of a newly formed non-profit organization called Ears To Our World (ETOW). ETOW’s mission is to send self-powered shortwave radios to schools in the developing world–you may have seen us recently featured in the Dec. 2009
edition of Popular Communications. You can check us out at: http://earstoourworld.org
Many of you have been watching and listening to the reports coming out of Haiti in the aftermath of the recent earthquake. As you can imagine, the need for information in Haiti is urgent and that means, of course, that radios are needed. In light of this crisis, ETOW has decided to temporarily broaden our mission; next week we will send a substantial number of ETOW radios (donated by Eton/Grundig) to Haiti via our partner, Operation USA. We are preparing our radios for shipment as rapidly as we can.
As shortwave listeners, DXers and amateur radio operators, you know well the power of radio. If you’d like to help, please do what you can. Even a few bucks can help with our expedited shipping costs to get our radios to Haiti. Donations can be made via PayPal on our website (http://earstoourworld.org) or you can send a check made to Ears To Our World at the address below. And if you have contacts or resources there, please contact me off list at: thomas@earstoourworld.org
Let’s all do what we can to help these folks.
Thank you & 73,
Thomas Witherspoon
Executive Director,
Ears To Our World
Ears To Our World / PO Box 3230 / Cullowhee, NC 28723 / USA http://earstoourworld.org
End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 85, Issue 15
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