VOA Press Release 16,18,21 dan 23/01

>> Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

dari      Voice of America
balas ke            Voice of America
ke        mapemclub2020@gmail.com
tanggal 16 Januari 2010 02:21
subjek  Voice of America Press Release
About VOA
Decision made after watching Iranian government’s recent treatment of demonstrators
Washington, D.C., January 15, 2010 – Iran’s former Consul General in Norway, who resigned his post to protest his government’s treatment of demonstrators, told the Voice of America (VOA) he quit to show his support for his countrymen.
“When I watched what has been happening in Iran … I thought, ‘I want to join the people of my country, and tell them, inside and outside Iran, that I support them and I am hoping for the same changes they are,’” Mohammed Reza Heydari said in an exclusive interview with  VOA’s Persian News Network (PNN) in Oslo.
Heydari also called on fellow Iranian diplomats to follow his lead. “They should resign to support the Iranian people,” he said. “Our priority should be the best interests of the people, not our own personal interests.”
Heydari said he made his decision to resign after watching the Iranian government’s recent treatment of demonstrators in Tehran, particularly during the religious holiday, Ashura.
“They decided to use force and brutality against people and recently started to terrorize people with explosions inside Iran,” he said.
Heydari was in seclusion from the time he resigned late last week until Jan. 14, 2010. His gave his first interview for an Iranian audience to PNN.
VOA’s PNN (www1.voanews.com/persian/news) has the largest combined radio and television audience in Iran of all international broadcasters, with one in four adult Iranians tuning into a VOA program at least once a week.  VOA broadcasts seven hours of television daily, repeated in a 24-hour format, and five hours of radio. Broadcasts are available round-the-clock on the Internet.
The Voice of America, which first went on the air in 1942, is a multimedia international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. Government through the Broadcasting Board of Governors.  VOA broadcasts more than 1,500 hours of news, information, educational, and cultural programming every week to an estimated worldwide audience of more than 125 million people.  Programs are produced in 45 languages and are intended exclusively for audiences outside of the United States.
For more information, call VOA Public Relations at (202) 203-4959, or e-mail askvoa@voanews.com.
dari Voice of America
balas ke                      Voice of America
ke                              mapemclub2020@gmail.com
tanggal                       18 Januari 2010 05:07
subjek                        Voice of America Press Release
About VOA
Coverage adapts to changing circumstances
Washington D.C., January 17, 2010 – Voice of America (VOA) Creole-language broadcasts to earthquake-stricken Haiti are now being heard throughout that country on multiple radio frequencies, many delivered by transmitters aboard a U.S. Defense Department-sponsored aircraft that began flying Saturday.
The added service features a five-hour afternoon FM program providing news and disaster relief information for the Haitian people, struggling to cope with that country’s worst natural disaster in over 200 years.
Since the January 12 earthquake, VOA has increased its Creole programming from 1.5 hours to 10.5 hours Monday through Friday and from 1 hour to 9.5 hours Saturday and Sunday.
“We are very gratified to have the direct FM transmission to complement our shortwave and AM broadcasts in response to the crisis in Haiti,” said Danforth W. Austin, VOA director. “These broadcasts demonstrate how U.S. Government agencies can work together when disaster strikes.”
VOA Creole is covering the relief efforts in Haiti with VOA correspondents and Haitian stringer reporters on the ground, as VOA Washington headquarters and Miami bureau staffs work the crisis around the clock. Public service announcements are airing hourly to provide information about public safety and availability of water and food and other disaster assistance. VOA has also set up a call-in line to broadcast messages from family members and friends to Haiti, along with Twitter and Facebook accounts.
VOA Creole has long been a trusted source of news and information in Haiti and is the most popular international broadcaster in the country with a weekly audience reach of just over 50% of the adult population, according to independent survey research.
Stories, audio reports, photos, video and survival information are posted on VOA’s main website, www.VOANews.com.
Please contact Joan Mower at 202-689-4662, e-mail jmower@voanews.com, or Will Marsh at 703-615-4548, e-mail wamarsh@voanews.com.
dari      Voice of America
balas ke                    Voice of America
ke                             mapemclub2020@gmail.com
tanggal                     21 Januari 2010 01:06
subjek                      Voice of America Press Release
About VOA
Bush told Haitians that the world cares deeply about the hardships facing them
Washington, D.C., January 20, 2010 – Former U.S. President George W. Bush, in an exclusive interview with the Voice of America (VOA), is assuring Haitians that the world cares deeply about the hardships facing them after the earthquake.
“I fully understand the anguish that the people of Haiti feel,” Bush told VOA almost exactly a year after he left the White House. “I hope the people of Haiti know that our government is doing everything it can with our military and USAID to get food, medicine and water to you as quickly as possible.”
Bush also urged calm in the wake of the earthquake that devastated Port-au-Prince and the surrounding areas. President Barack Obama asked former Presidents Clinton and Bush to play a role in relief efforts in Haiti.
Bush and Clinton started a Haiti fund, which has already raised $10 million. Bush said many other organizations are also helping, such as the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and Worldview.
Bush said he understood the Haitians’ frustrations.
“The first lesson, of course, is that aid never gets to the people fast enough,” Bush said. “I fully understand the frustrations and the anger. The people of Haiti have just got to know we hear their cries of anguish.” He added, “The people of Haiti are not alone.”
Bush emphasized the United States stands ready to help over the long term. “Once the immediate crisis has been stabilized, we won’t forget you that we will be around long after some of these groups have done their duty.”
Since leaving office after two terms, Bush has settled in Dallas, Texas. He has remained out of the limelight for much of the past 12 months.
Audio and video of the interview can be found at: http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/usa/Bush-Re-Enters-Spotlight-With-Haiti-Appeal-82112877.html
Since the January 12 earthquake, VOA has expanded its broadcasts in Creole to 10.5 hours Monday-Friday. Creole programming is also available for 9.5 hours on the weekends. VOA is available on the Internet at http://www.voanews.com/creole/.
dari Voice of America
balas ke                      Voice of America
ke                              mapemclub2020@gmail.com
tanggal                       23 Januari 2010 06:01
subjek                        Voice of America Press Release
About VOA
‘Infrastructure challenges in Haiti are pretty significant’
Washington, D.C., January 22, 2010 – The head of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), told the Voice of America (VOA) Friday that medical supplies have increased dramatically in Haiti, and will continue to pour into the country.
“The infrastructure challenges in Haiti are pretty significant and the airport is limited,” Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in an interview in her office.  Flights are prioritized based on various needs, including security, food and water, and medical help.
VOA, which broadcasts worldwide in English and 44 other languages, reaches millions of Haitians daily in their native language, Creole. Sebelius’ interview will be aired by VOA’s Creole Service, which has expanded its broadcasting to 10.5 hours on weekdays and 9.5 hours on weekends. The television interview will also be carried by VOA’s other services.
“The good news is that the medical supplies have dramatically increased in the last couple of days,” Sebelius said, adding additional supplies are available.
She said HHS has 300 medical personnel on the ground, where they have seen over 7,000 patients.  An additional 600 people are working from the USNS Comfort, a hospital ship.
“Every day there are more people seen, more people treated, more supplies,” Sebelius said.  HHS personnel are serving Haitians in Port-au-Prince, the capital, as well as those in the outlying mountain communities.
Sworn in as HHS Secretary on April 28, 2009, Sebelius oversees one of the largest civilian departments in the federal government, with nearly 80,000 employees.
VOA’s Creole broadcasts are available on various radio frequencies from a U.S. Department of Defense airborne transmitter flying over Haiti, and from U.S.-based transmitters. The service, available at www.VOANews.com/creole/, also has an active social media component with Twitter and Facebook.

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