Radio Activity 5-6/01

>> Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

dari R A D I O A C T I V I T Y
tanggal 5 Januari 2010 00:09
subjek R A D I O A C T I V I T Y
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2010 Winter SWL Fest registration form, new website, and online registration are now available

Posted: 03 Jan 2010 07:43 PM PST

The 2010 Winter SWL Fest registration form is now available, along with a completely new website and new, online Fest registration option.

The URL remains the same:

The new website is the handiwork of NASWA webmaster Ralph Brandi, who has created a site that is easy for John and Richard to keep up to date with the latest info. As part of Ralph’s efforts, we have added the capability to submit your Fest registration electronically, complete with online registration payment through PayPal. Links to online registration are available through the main Fest website.

You can also still register the old-fashioned way — by filling out the paper form and sending in a check — but we suspect many will find the online registration to be easy and convenient.

Doing our part to Whip Inflation Now, we have kept the registration fees the same as last year. The Best Western hotel has also kept its room rates the same as well. As usual, the registration rates are cheaper if you get your registration in to us early; for 2010, the magic date is February 19th.

We’ll also keep the Fest blog active, with its URL of

Please let either John or Richard know if you have any questions. As a reminder, the dates for the 23rd annual Fest are March 5th and 6th, 2010.

Hope to see many of you there!
Best wishes for a happy holiday season,

Richard Cuff and John Figliozzi

(Via ODXA yg)

Hunting Lions in the Air Contest – HLITA – Jan 2010 – Full Details

Posted: 02 Jan 2010 06:14 AM PST


The 39th Annual Hunting Lions in the Air contest will take place on the weekend of January 9th and 10th, 2010.

“To create and foster a spirit of International understanding and cooperation” among Radio Amateurs (Hams) and Lions through worldwide radio communication and internet.. The contest is to commemorate the birthday of the founder of Lionism, Melvin Jones, born at Ft. Thomas, Arizona USA on January 13, 1879.

The contest period will be 48 hours and will run from midnight UTC Friday/Saturday to midnight UTC Sunday/Monday. UTC = Universal Time Co-Ordinate (Zulu Time)

The contest is open to all appropriately licensed Amateur (Ham) Radio Licencees, Short Wave Listeners (SWLs) and Internet Users as follows:
Class 1 Contestants are Amateur (Ham) Radio Licencees who are also current members of Lions Club (Leo and Lioness Club included) – Individuals
Class 2 contestants are (Ham) radio amateurs operating on behalf of a Lions, Lioness or Leo Club and who are not members of Lions, Leo or Lioness Clubs
Class 3 contestants are not Amateur (Ham) Radio or SWL Licencees but are current members of Lions / Leo / Lioness Club who are taking part on internet using different chat utilities as described separately

The following categories will be permitted in each class:
A Single Operator, All Bands, Single Transmitter,
B Multi Operator, All Bands, Single Transmitter,
C Licenced Short Wave Listener (SWL)
D Internet user

BANDS: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters as permitted by respective country of the contestant.
MODE: SSB, CW, ECHOLINK AND OTHER DIGITAL MODES Please note that this is a single competition and that there will not be separate places for the other modes.
CONTACTS: No duplicate contacts with same station and Lions Club is allowed, irrespective of bands, modes, class or category of station.

The SSB call should be “CQ Hunting Lions on the Air” or “CQ Hunting Lions” and the CW/Digital/Internet call be “CQ LIONS”.

Transmit RS(T) plus a serial number. Amateur (Ham) Radio licencees operating on behalf of a Lions, Leo or Lioness Club must transmit the operator’s name, Lions Club Name, Number and Lions District Number and Web/Email Address if any, Where as the Internet user except for RST all other details as above should be logged

One (1) point – each QSO with Lions Club Member or Lions Club in Category 1
Five (5) extra points – each new country where contact is made (excluding the country of the contestant)
Twenty-five (25) extra points – for contacts made with VU2LCI (Not for Indian Stations to remove the ease of QSO Points)

SWL’s will score one point for each Lions Club Station heard exchanging reports and additional 5 points for an exchange between two stations of different unique countries. (Example If SWL is from India and he logs South Africa and India, South Africa and Sri Lanka, South Africa with New Zealand Additional 5 points is for only 3 countries and not 4)

9. Additional Bonus Points for Many Lion Hams of same club If Amateur (Ham) Radio Club Station owned by Lions Club with its own callsign additional 10 points for every Lion Ham valid member of the same Lions Club.

To obtain the final score, multiply the “QSO points” by “the number of different Clubs worked”.

11. LOGS
The following details are to be logged:
Date, Time (UTC), RST Sent and Received, the Amateur Station worked and Band. Additionally, if contact is made with a Lion, Leo or Lioness Club (Class 1) , the Operator’s name, Club name, Number, and Lions District number, Email/Web address (if any) of the station contacted must be included on the station log sheet.

SWL logs should, in addition to the above, include the call signs of both stations heard and the sent and received exchanges of each station. This information should be recorded once only for each QSO heard Including the Lions Club details as above Date, Time (UTC), RST Sent and Received, the Amateur Station worked and Band. Additionally, if contact is made with a Lion, Leo or Lioness Club (Class ), the Operator’s name, Club name, Number, and Lions District number, Email/Web address (if any) of the Lions Club on the other side of the contact.

Contest Logs can be sent by email to or by Floppy 3.5, Compact Disk to the Contest Manager. Files may be in Excel, or in ASCII format with one QSO on every new line. Fields separated by commas or delimiters, The information shall be set out and tabulated in the same format as the official Log (see appendices). Each QSO must be terminated by a carriage return. Only MS-DOS compatible disks will be accepted. However Three (3) International Reply Coupon IRCs have to be sent for the logs to be compiled before results are announced and for receiving participation certificates – Indian Hams to send sufficient stamps for registered Speed Post.

NB! A written summary sheet must accompany the disk showing all required scoring information as well as your name, postal address, FAX number and/or email where you can be reached. As email is rapidly becoming the most convenient mode of communication, this mode is preferred, however do not forget to send 3 IRCs before last date.

Logs that do not comply with the foregoing requirements will not be considered and will be rejected. Radio amateurs are expected to operate within the rules of their respective licenses and unsportsmanlike activity is to be discouraged. Actions and decisions of the Contest Committee are official and final.

All logs must be mailed to reach the co-coordinator and envelopes must be date stamped no later than 28 February along with 3 New Format International Reply Coupon (IRC)

The HLITA Contest Committee
Lions Club of Bangalore North (Dist 324-D6 Club # 026596)
C/O Lion Ajoy – VU2JHM,
# 9/1, Kshitija, Opp Big Bazaar, 5-Cross,
Malleswaram, BANGALORE-560003,
INDIA. Telephone +91-80-23442600

The Contest Committee will communicate the results to the co-coordinating Lions club and a final report will be submitted to the District Governor 324D6 and 324D1 offices before June 30 same year. Winners will be advised by mail and a listing will be posted on the Internet with copies to various contest managers/sites

The first Ten places in category A, B, C and D will receive Award Certificates and mementos for first Three (depending on sponsorer). Participation Certificate to all participants who have submitted contest log with minimum 20 QSO and who have sent 3 New format International Reply Coupons IRCs with the contest log sheet.

The Lions International Amateur (Ham) Radio Club – VU2LCI which is permanent project of Lions Club of Bangalore North will make best effort to promote and publicize the contest internationally via the Lion Net, the web pages, through amateur radio Club Station, magazines and amateur radio nets. Request for volunteer assistance in publicizing this event amongst Hams and Lions is solicitated. Questions regarding the interpretation of these rules will be judged and resolved by the Contest Committee.

Operators interested in additional information regarding this contest should write to the Contest Committee at the above address giving their full postal address with One IRC for airmail reply or no IRC required for reply via email to:

Lions all over the world meet at LOL – Lions on Line Chat which is on every Sundays between 13:30 to 14:30 hrs UTC. The same channel can be used for exchange of reports on Weekend of January 12th and 13th plus there are open channels on IRC, Yahoo, Orkut, Skype, MSN messenger which can be used. The Location of the Chat Room can be accessed using XiRCON connect to: Channel: #lionsonline. The Amateur (Ham) Radio operators can use the Echolink both voice and text for qso.

Version Dec 2009

(Ajoy, VU2JHM)

4th Annual General Meeting of CRF – 19th Feb, 2010 – Bangalore

Posted: 02 Jan 2010 06:10 AM PST

Dear CR enthusiasts,

On behalf of the Community Radio Forum of India (CRF, I am pleased to inform all members that the 4th Annual General Meeting of the Forum will be held on February 19, 2010 in Bangalore. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the 2nd Regional Conference of AMARC Asia Pacific scheduled to be held in Bangalore from February 20-23, 2010. The theme of the conference is “Community Radio for Sustainable Development and Good Governance”.

The agenda for the CRF meeting will be: a) to conduct organizational elections and put in place a new executive committee; and b) to have an open meeting, with members and other CR practitioners, advocates and enthusiasts in order to take stock of the community radio movement in India and share experiences of those already on air. The first part of the meeting mentioned as (a) above will be open for registered members of CRF only, however the second part of the meeting is open to all.

The CRF meeting as well as the AMARC conference will be held at The United Theological College, 63, Millers Road, Benson Town, BANGALORE – 560046.

We encourage all of you to attend the CRF meeting and register for the AMARC conference. Please make your travel plans at the earliest so that you don’t miss this important meeting of CRF and an opportunity to interact with others in the region. Visit for details on CRF and for more details on AMARC conference.

Meanwhile, we would like to request specific suggestions on the agenda for the CRF meeting mentioned above. In addition, please review the draft agenda of the AMARC conference and share any ideas you may have for scheduling some sessions in which India participants could play a meaningful role at least on the first two days. This suggestion is being made on the assumption that, although members are welcome to stay on for the full conference of AMARC, most of us may not be able to stay in Bangalore for more than two or three days.

Please send your ideas and suggestions on the agenda to Dr Vinod Pavarala on this list as well as cc it to

We will be happy to share further details with you as soon as they become available. Hope to see you all in Bangalore.

Warm regards,
Stalin K.
National Convener
Community Radio Forum of India
Phone: +91-832-2281032
Mobile: +91-9923594635

50 not out, delight in Patna AIR

Posted: 31 Dec 2009 09:58 PM PST


dari R A D I O A C T I V I T Y
tanggal 6 Januari 2010 00:15
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Annular Solar Eclipse of 2010 January 15 – Research by Hams

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 01:20 AM PST

Centre for Science Promotion and Research (CSPR)
Chennai – 600116

Dear OM / YL

Annular Solar Eclipse of 2010 January 15 – Research by Hams.

On Friday, 2010 January 15, an Annular Eclipse of the Sun is visible.The Eclipse could be viewed distinctly at places like Rameswaram, Dhanushkodi, Kanyakumari. At other places partial eclipse can be seen and the timing is from 11.05 hrs to 15.05 hrs. Since the celestial event is said to occur after 108 years, lot of astronomers and astrophysicists evince interest in its study. Already researchers are on their way to those places .

One of the researches suggested could be the study of Electromagnetic wave propagation before, during and after the eclipse so that any possible influence of the eclipse on the EM wave propagation could be ascertained. This event, therefore, is a golden opportunity to Hams all over the world, especially to those who reside in the belt area where the eclipse is going to have its trajectory. Of course, it goes without saying that exchange of reports on readability and strength of the signals could be meaningful only when other Hams from other parts of the country / globe also exchange with those in the belt for a comparative study. Hams from different locations can discuss among themselves and evolve a strategy to effectively study the phenomenon as it is not only going to be beneficial to the astronomers and astrophysicists but to International Ham fraternity as well. Appropriate precautions should be taken in viewing the eclipse and in the observation and monitoring of the signals without bias or preconceived notion as expected of any strict scientific research.

We would appreciate very much your efforts in this regard if a report of your investigation / observation could be mailed to me after the event. That would be duly forwarded to the astronomers and astrophysicists.
C.Shanmugham VU2 CSM
Mg. Trustee
CSPR, Chennai

Voice of Maldives celebrates 47 years

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 09:42 PM PST

The Voice of Maldives (VOM) celebrates its 47th anniversary on Dec 29th, 2009. As part of the celebrations, VOM had an open day from 2 pm to 6 pm, inviting to the general public to witness the operation of the radio station. A special function also held during night. VOM was opened on 29th December 1962.

(Source : Minivan News )

Updated BDXC Guides as on Jan 2010

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 12:35 AM PST

Updated version (as of Jan 2010) of excellent BDXC guides for Africa, Middle East, South Asia & UK are now available for download from here :

An welcome addition is “External Services on MW”

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