Radio Activity 11/11

>> Rabu, 11 November 2009

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tanggal 11 November 2009 00:05

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Antique radios still making waves among collectors

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 07:38 PM PST

Friday, November 6, 2009
By Robert Lopez

The radios in Ron Lawrence's collection are relics of the Jazz Age. But they still sound like music to his ears - even if they pick up little more than talk radio these days. "With receivers of that vintage, you can only listen to AM," he said in a telephone interview. "But if someone wants to listen to a 1922 radio, I've got one that I can turn on. I just put the right (vacuum) tube in and make it work."

Read the full story here :

GBC Boss Under Siege

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 07:38 PM PST

There is every indication that the Director General of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) is being frustrated out of the state broadcaster by a carefully knit agenda by the Board of Directors and some of his subordinates.Mr. William Ampem Darko, who returned from leave on Monday, 2nd November, was sent again on a long leave yesterday, Tuesday 3rd November 2009, by the Board, to resume duty on Monday 9th November 2010, contrary to corporate procedure.

Read the full story here :

Ofcom balks at Beeb's HD DRM dream

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 07:34 PM PST

By Bill Ray
Posted in Music and Media, 9th November 2009 15:24 GMT

Ofcom has told the BBC it will not allow the broadcaster to mandate DRM on HD, at least not yet, following overwhelming response to its two-week consultation.The regulator has written to the BBC explaining that before it will permit the Beeb's encoding of programme information, it wants to know more about the "anticipated benefits to citizens and consumers" as well as how the BBC intends to "address the potential disadvantages to citizens and consumers". But there's not a lot of time left before Freeview HD starts broadcasting at the end of the year.

Read the full story here :

ARSI Monitoring System Coordinator and Contests manager

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 07:32 PM PST

VU2UR OM Arasu Manohar, who has been doing a wonderful job of MS Coordinator and Contests Manager for ARSI over the past many years has expressed a desire to give up the tasks from 1st Jan 2010. During the recent Hamfest in Bangalore it was agreed that VU2DSI Datta Deogaonkar will take up the responsibility of MS Coordinator and VU2PTT OM Prasad Rajagopal will take up the task of Contest Manager. I thank Arasu for performing these very arduous tasks very diligently for so many years and thank Datta and Prasad for readily accepting to take them up. Arasu has kindly agreed to pass on his very extensive knowledge to the new incumbents so that a smooth transition will evolve.

(Gopal VU2GMN, President ARSI Via ARSI Mailing List)

Radio Australia begins Burma broadcasts

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 07:30 PM PST

Radio Australia, the ABC's international radio broadcaster, has begun broadcasting to Burma. The Burmese language service began Monday morning, with two news broadcasts. Radio Australia's Chief Executive, Hanh Tran, said Burma's elections next year and increased international attention on the military-led country prompted the decision to start the new radio service.

Read the full story here :

New URL/E-mail for Cumbre DX/DXing with Cumbre

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 07:19 PM PST

Due to a glitch with domain registration, Cumbre DX has had to change to a new URL. We are now at:

The site has changed considerably, and is (I think) much easier to use than the old one. It is also where people can go if they'd like to join of the Cumbre DX e-mail list. The domain change also means that the e-mail address for the DXing with Cumbre show is a little different. It is now at:
Thanks for listening over the years, and please feel free to check out the new site!

73 and thanks,
Marie Lamb

ARLHS Tenth Anniversary

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 07:16 PM PST

The ARLHS had its genesis in the late 1990's and was officially inaugurated in the year 2000. That means that in December we will begin celebrating our TENTH ANNIVERSARY! A lot has happened in those ten years: the awards program was initiated, many lighthouses have been activated and restored, contests have been a popular feature, the WLOL database now exceeds 15,000 entries, and too much else to recount.

Now, with the Christmas Lights event only a month away, we will be celebrating the TENTH anniversary of the ARLHS with a special gift for all members (and nonmembers, too)!. We want to give something back to the more that 1700 fans of the Society; so we are planning something special for everyone who has been a part of us, past and present. You won't want to miss this, trust me! Watch your mail and the ARLHS web page for announcements. Meanwhile, we're hard at work on the winter 2009 newsletter (Vol 9-2) and hope to get it off to you by December.

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